Our friend and fellow Baur owner, John M. attended the Vintage at the Vineyard in Old Salem, North Carolina last weekend.... and his Kashmir Metallic E21 Baur now graces the Roundel Online Photo Gallery of the show! One of the pics is exclusively showcasing his Baur, but his car can be seen 'photo-bombing' 4 other shots! Nice going, John! ;)
Very nice, John!
Now for some... photo-bombs! ;)
Spot the Baur!
The full Roundel gallery can be found here:
Here is another pic of John's Baur, taken together with my Baurspotting Baur at the Lime Rock Historics, September 2012.
And this is not the first time that JOhn's baur has been in the media. Here is a great pic from Hooniverse, taken the same day as the pic above:

Congrats, John!
UPDATE: Roundel was not the only photog who noticed John's Baur, btw! here are a couple of pics from Baur owner Reggie of Reggie's Motorworks:
Thanks, Reggie and Stephanie! ;)
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