5/23/2013 Mike P. in Raleigh NC.
Thanks to vinceinIL of 2002FAQ for posting these pics that his brother took in Rome in February 2005.
Thanks, Vince!
We have no other information. Anyone know this car?
1/15/2013 Some new pics from Andy S (2002faq) of a couple of his former cabrios.

The 02 in the foreground is supercharged.
"Last I heard, both of these are owned by a guy in WI." Andy S. (former owner of both.)
Andy has a had a considerable number of bimmers over the years, including many 2002s. From what I understand, I have not nearly done his collection of vehicles over the years justice in this brief post. :) Hence his sig in bimmerforums : "2many02s". Perhaps one of these days I can do some more. Thank you for the pics, Andy!
1/11/2013 Thanks to my friend TomD from bimmerforums for this find. 1975 BMW 2002 Baur Cabrio (Targa). VIN # 3590713. Build date is 10/1975.
bam2002 in florida posted this today in 2002FAQ.
"Here is my 1969 Baur 1600,
Its now in black primer I had a shop restoring it, but they went out of business. So now its just sitting in storage."

He sold it to a guy in Texas some time ago. We are still looking for it.
I found this today:
1974 2002 Targa Cabriolet project
Polaris (was Inka)/brown-&-white checkered fabric on black interior, black top, all complete, running well;
needs cosmetic work in & out and mechanical updating as car has been sitting a long time. $9500.
From their website:
"Our extensive inventory of classic BMW parts for your BMW 2002 and other models is second to none. Browse our selection of new and used 2002 parts when it’s convenient for you or email us about parts for other models. Can’t find what you are looking for? Simply call us toll-free at 800-420-0223 or e-mail us a request at bmwsales@2002ad.com."
Does anyone know anything about this car? I did a Google search today and found this image with the info above.... but that is all there was.
10/28/2012 A pic from Ultimate Klasse: Carl Nelson's Baur Targa Cabriolet at SoCal Vintage 2012
Owner: Salim 1972 BMW 2002 Targa
Restoration by The Werk Shop IL
9/22/2012 California From Bavaria Auto Repair
9/4/2012 Palo Alto CA Thanks to winstonindy in 2002faq for posting this pic sent by her bf from Palo Alto, CA. Kind of hard to see in the shadow, but she reports that it is 'a deep red in color'. Thank you for posting!
9/1/2012 from Dallas Texas Cars and Coffee; pics from nbristow01 in 2002faq. Thanks for posting!
UPDATE January 30, 2017: this looks like the same 1600 owned by William Cantrell that is posted above by Paul Gebbink
8/27/2012 From October 2011 Hemmings Motor News:
UPDATE 8/27/2012 3pm: pichos1 of 2002faq states that it is formerly Jaime's car which he sold to a couple in San Diego, CA.
Thank you, pichos1! That is a start!
Here is a link to some pics from the SoCal Vintage Show on October 29, 2011 in Van Nuys, CA:
Adding more all the time:
This is the guy who owns it:
Scroll down to get both of the articles above.
5/23/2013 Mike P. in Raleigh NC.
"Below is one that is now owned by a nice lady in Raleigh named Eileen. Imported from The Netherlands a couple of months ago. 1972, originally delivered to Italy. Lived in Dutch land for over 20 years. A few mods done to it that will be undone whenever it gets restored. For now she is enjoying it" Mike in NC in 2002faq August 2012.
My apologies to Mike and Eileen: I have had these pics for a while. I thought they were already posted to this gallery. Mea culpa.
It is a wicked pace here in Baurspotting, and hard to keep up sometimes!
Mike P and his Baur Cabrio with Harry B., and Humberto M. prior to the Vintage at the Vineyards. May 23, 2013
Thanks to vinceinIL of 2002FAQ for posting these pics that his brother took in Rome in February 2005.
Thanks, Vince!
We have no other information. Anyone know this car?
1/15/2013 Some new pics from Andy S (2002faq) of a couple of his former cabrios.
Andy's former Lumma Convertible is parked behind his turbo.
"I believe the silver cab is from VA" in pic above. The 1600 Cabrio in the foreground was formerly Andy's, and it is the same cabrio in all of the pics below. He sold it to someone in WI.
Old Vintage pic. Note the E21 Baur at the top of pic."The E21 baur belongs or belong to a fellow in NC. He is near Raleigh and used to sell
parts." The red 2002 at right is actually a Touring which Andy sold to Mike P.

The 02 in the foreground is supercharged.
"Last I heard, both of these are owned by a guy in WI." Andy S. (former owner of both.)
Andy has a had a considerable number of bimmers over the years, including many 2002s. From what I understand, I have not nearly done his collection of vehicles over the years justice in this brief post. :) Hence his sig in bimmerforums : "2many02s". Perhaps one of these days I can do some more. Thank you for the pics, Andy!
1/11/2013 Thanks to my friend TomD from bimmerforums for this find. 1975 BMW 2002 Baur Cabrio (Targa). VIN # 3590713. Build date is 10/1975.
Right now this all I know about it, but I hope to hear more as to its exact location, status, condition, etc., so Stay tuned!
Thanks, Tom!
1/8/2013 New find in Dallas Texas, thanks to Paul Gebbink in the International BMW '02 Alliance in Facebook. Pics are from 2010. Thanks for posting, Paul! Paul commented: " This car is fromWilliam Cantrell.He lives in Dallas and org this car is from French.He is the owner for more that 20 years.bmw 1600 with a 2002 engine in it."________________________________________________________________
bam2002 in florida posted this today in 2002FAQ.
"Here is my 1969 Baur 1600,
Its now in black primer I had a shop restoring it, but they went out of business. So now its just sitting in storage."
We recognize bam2002! He is also the former owner of an E21 Baur #296:

He sold it to a guy in Texas some time ago. We are still looking for it.
I found this today:
1974 2002 Targa Cabriolet project
Polaris (was Inka)/brown-&-white checkered fabric on black interior, black top, all complete, running well;
needs cosmetic work in & out and mechanical updating as car has been sitting a long time. $9500.
From their website:
"Our extensive inventory of classic BMW parts for your BMW 2002 and other models is second to none. Browse our selection of new and used 2002 parts when it’s convenient for you or email us about parts for other models. Can’t find what you are looking for? Simply call us toll-free at 800-420-0223 or e-mail us a request at bmwsales@2002ad.com."
jmelencios 1973 BMW 2002 BMW 2002 1973. Location:palo alto, CA ...
Does anyone know anything about this car? I did a Google search today and found this image with the info above.... but that is all there was.
10/28/2012 A pic from Ultimate Klasse: Carl Nelson's Baur Targa Cabriolet at SoCal Vintage 2012

The two pics above are new to us.... and so is this Baur! These are the first pics we have seen of this car at the SoCal Vintage 2012! It is a 1600 Baur Voll Cabrio... anyone know this car?

This could be another pic of the same red cabrio above. It may be owned by 'David " from Manhattan Beach., but we can't say for sure yet. You will know when we know! (Update: We are told that the red cabrio is owned by Peter S, and that is his son Erick S. with the cigar.)

1969 Voll Cabriolet with a Ti engine. Owned by Carl of SoCal.
SoCal Vintage Van Nuys CA October 2012
Carl Nelson's 2002 red Targa and his famous 1600 Voll Cabriolet at SoCal Vintage October 2012.
2002 Targa "Dancing Queen III"
Restoration by The Werk Shop IL
Owner: Salim 1972 BMW 2002 Targa
Restoration by The Werk Shop IL
Bob Vs 1968 1600 Voll Cabrio on right Dirk's 2002 Voll Cabrio on left Vintage 2009
9/4/2012 Palo Alto CA Thanks to winstonindy in 2002faq for posting this pic sent by her bf from Palo Alto, CA. Kind of hard to see in the shadow, but she reports that it is 'a deep red in color'. Thank you for posting!
Thanks to Paul H. for improving on this pic:
9/1/2012 from Dallas Texas Cars and Coffee; pics from nbristow01 in 2002faq. Thanks for posting!
UPDATE January 30, 2017: this looks like the same 1600 owned by William Cantrell that is posted above by Paul Gebbink
8/27/2012 From October 2011 Hemmings Motor News:
Body Style: Baur Cabriolet Targa Convertible Mileage: 65000 Condition:Good Interior: Black Exterior: Mint Green
Location: Los Angeles, California, United States Description:Body Style: Baur Cabriolet Targa Convertible Mileage: 65000 Condition:Good Interior: Black Exterior: Mint Green
1975 BMW 2002 Baur Cabriolet Targa Convertible.
Very rare, less than 2000 made and only a few in the U.S.
Mint Green with black top and interior. 4 speed.
Extremely original except Recaro front seats,
E30 iS Basket Weave wheels, and Alpine CD stereo.
Excellent dash pad, door panels, and removable hard top.
Good folding rear window and boot cover.
Import documents from 1982 included with sale.
Nice original paint. Original (but torn) front seats included.
Just out of extended storage, runs and drives strong, but will need some
mechanical attention; carburetor rebuild and water pump leak.
Numbers matching engine, good compressions.
Clean California title and current CA registration.
Will ship anywhere, for cost, at buyer's expense.
$14,995 323-667-2222
Very rare, less than 2000 made and only a few in the U.S.
Mint Green with black top and interior. 4 speed.
Extremely original except Recaro front seats,
E30 iS Basket Weave wheels, and Alpine CD stereo.
Excellent dash pad, door panels, and removable hard top.
Good folding rear window and boot cover.
Import documents from 1982 included with sale.
Nice original paint. Original (but torn) front seats included.
Just out of extended storage, runs and drives strong, but will need some
mechanical attention; carburetor rebuild and water pump leak.
Numbers matching engine, good compressions.
Clean California title and current CA registration.
Will ship anywhere, for cost, at buyer's expense.
$14,995 323-667-2222
UPDATE 8/27/2012 3pm: pichos1 of 2002faq states that it is formerly Jaime's car which he sold to a couple in San Diego, CA.
Thank you, pichos1! That is a start!
Here is a link to some pics from the SoCal Vintage Show on October 29, 2011 in Van Nuys, CA:
Adding more all the time:
Dave T.'s 1974 2002 from Hemmings Magazine German Car Day 2012 at Larz Anderson Museum
The above pics were all from German Day at the Larz Anderson Museum, Brookline MA 2012.
Lothat Schuettler's 1972 Baur Cabrio
Pics from Tour of Lothar Schuettler's Garage, National Capital Chapter BMWCCA
4 previous pics above from Lothar's Open Garage Party 2009, thanks to jgerock in 2002FAQ.
Chicago area
Marietta GA
Tennessee, I think.
Santa Clarita
Santa Clarita
Diana Baur?
Vintage NC 2011
Katy Perry Video. This is a well known Baur Cabrio.
Scroll down to get both of the articles above.
1600 Cabrio at theVintage
1974 2002 Marietta GA
1974 2002
1974 2002
2002Tii Alpina Targa
Vintage at the Vineyards 2009; 4 Baurs in the pic. (L to R) Chris's white Targa; Robbie's red 2002 Cabriolet; Dirk's yellow 1600 Cabriolet; Bob V's Chamonix 1600 Voll Cabriolet.
Vintage NC 2012
Vintage 2012
Chris in Kansas
Chris in Philly 2012
Chris in Philly 2012
Der Bayerische Magazine September 1973
Bob V's 1600 Cabrio at The Vintage 2012
1600 Cabrio Vintage 2012
1600 Cabrio Vintage 2012
1600 Cabrio Vintage 2012
The Vintage
2002 Targa from NH
2002 Targa from NH
2002 Targa from NH
2002 Targa from NH
2002 Targa from NH
2002 Targa from NH
2002 Targa from NH
2002 Targa from NH
2002 Targa from NH
Prototype Landaulette (Stuttgart)
Prototype Landaulette
The Vintage
2002 M2 at The Vintage 2012
Bimmerfest 2009
The Collector in Stanceworks
Bavaria Tour 2006
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