I haven't had a chance to make many additions to this page in a while but, thanks to our friend, Rolf Senz, we have some new TC4 material! Thank you, Rolf! ;)
TC4 material!!!
Thank you, Rolf! ;)
From Guichfer Berrot in Club BMW Autoclásicos Guatemala (Capítulo Oficial)
Found this on TC Baur Facebook page but, since he never cites the source of his material, I don't know where it originally came from.
TC Baur, please post links to the source of the material you post. Give credit where credit is due. It is only fair to those who originally post the material.
Thanks to Richard S. for posting this is Facebook today!
thanks to BMW 2002 Lover Thailand for posting this old advertisement in Facebook:
Thanks to Richard S. for posting this in Facebook today:
I found this today in another old bimmerforums thread from 2007. Posted by Jeroen J.
Nice, Jeroen!
thanks to Steve W. for posting this in facebook!
Thanks to Baur Eta for posting this 1965 advertisement in Facebook today.

This ad may have contributed to the confusion around the origin of the BMW Roundel. Lots of folks have believed that roundel was based on an airplane propeller image, but in fact, the Roundel (circa 1917) preceded the propeller image (circa 1929) by about 12 years.
Here is a discussion of the issue:
Thanks to Ulli Ke for posting this in Facebook today!
Thanks to Jeroen de Laat for this post in Facebook today!
Thanks to BMW Baur ix (BMW E30) and TC Baur for posting this advertisement in Facebook today.
Thanks to Harry B. for posting this advertisement in Facebook today!
Thanks to John E at Classic and Vintage BMW for this one:
Thanks to Bimmer Magazine for posting this in Facebook today.
BMW 320i ad, circa 1977.
Thanks to chichy in 2002FAQ for posting the link to this brochure!
Thanks to chichy in 2002FAQ for the link to this 700 brochure! The cabrio is by Baur!
Another thanks to chichy in 2002FAQ for the link to this brochure: 1986 E30 cabrio:
Thanks to chichy in 2002FAQ for posting the link to this:
Thanks to Harry for posting this in Facebook today!
1932-33 BMW 3/20 AM2; advertised as a 'Ladies Car'
1/4/2012 Posted in facebook tonight, FWIW by BMW Baur ix. Enjoy, even if you dont speak German! :)
12/11/2012 From Classic and Vintage BMW
12/1/2012 Thanks to jgerock in 2002FAQ for this gem:
9/1/2012 Thanks to Original owner in 2002faq for this:
9/1/20128/12/2012 Another Mother Lode.
6/10/2012 April fools...
Did you know that BMW celebrates April fools day?
In the UK, BMW's marketing team publishes different adverts in the newspaper... Only on April fools day. The adverts are humorous, and quite intelligent.
6 series Cabriolet
TC1 Baur
3.0CSL: 3.0-liter, six-cylinder fuel-injected M30 engine. 1265 units were produced between 1972 and 1975. - http://bit.ly/tltNqv
Baur TC2 Advertising
1981 E12 M535i Ad from the UK featuring the E26 M1 Procar
Classic and Vintage BMW Enthusiasts
This advertisement touts the unique features of the Baur, calling it 4 cars in 1, a reference to the 4 different possible configurations of the roof: the Coupe, the Targa, the Landaulet, and the Cabriolet. Each configuration is shown at the bottom of the ad, from left to right.
Baurspotting has learned that the Baur depicted in the pic above is Baur #000001. We believe this ad is from the initial campaign introducing the BMW Baur TC1 for the first time.
Here are the other pages from that advertisement:
Note that Dietel Enterprises, Mission Viejo, CA is listed as a distributor at the bottom of the ad.
This is actually a book, not an ad... and, well, ok, it NOT the James Taylor you may be thinking of.
Thanks to the folks at Paul of Fame blog for this ad!
Check out their E21 engine swap project!
The Mother Lode of Isetta advertisements!
Chimney sweeps are believed to bring good luck in Germany.
From David Rose's web page.
1965 BMW 1800. The ad is for Hoffman, a dealer in the NY area who was very influential, if not largely responsible, for bringing the BMW to the US in larger numbers in those days.
Check out these articles on Max Hoffman:
Electric Drive BMW in 1972!
1919 BMW "delivers' ad
One of my all-time favorites:
What you need to know about this ad is that it is an April Fool Joke, appearing in Roundel Magazine in March 1981. Just in time for April Fool's Day, naturally.
If you have an ad that you would like to see posted here (with proper attribution to you), just shoot me an email: tom82baur@gmail.com