This page is devoted to those Baurs in the US that we have incomplete information about, and that we are searching for. We want to determine if they are still alive and well, or if they have .... departed this mortal coil, as Shakespeare once said.
The cars that appear here are those for which we may have a pic to post, a report of a sighting, or an old craigs list ad, but we have not been able to make a definitive confirmation of the car as yet. We are looking for Baur numbers, VIN numbers, owners names, locations, etc., .... anything that can help us determine the existence of the car. We also seek information that may help us to determine that the car no longer exists.... that it has been scrapped, parted out, or otherwise disposed of.
We welcome any help, suggestions, rumours, etc. that may be a clue to helping us in our quest. We also welcome any information on any OTHER Baur that may be previously unknown to us. Please send any info to me at
THEPOOLEMAN posted these pics in the E30 bimmerforums thread " A Rare Bird: The E30 Baur"
This Baur was in the Boston are in 2007. Does anyone know this Baur?
Here is THEPOOLEMAN'S post:

Ok, Baurhunters. I was surfing through r3vlimited today and I came across this Baur from September 2007.
Your Mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find this Baur! :) I have attached some clues below.... it bears a remarkable resemblance to conkitchen's white Baur, which he transformed into the car that is now docjohn's in Arizona!
Stay tuned!
12/11/2011 New Hampshire Baur Spotted!
Atlanta, GA Baur

See updated blog posts on 3/11 and 3/13/2011!
A Baur in the Bush. Found by mathews in a flickr site: " Euro bumpers, single tailpipe, 320i badge, Federal rear side markers. Sad looking. Posted by "Rick C." California plates. Any clues? In the updated blog posts we have actually found some aerial pics of the car from several years ago, located on the beach in Fort Bragg, CA. We think it may still be there, but we need someone to go and check it out for us. We would love to have the Baur plate number of this car.... and we would also, of course, love to have someone rescue it. It appears in the pics to be just steps from the Pacific Ocean.
The Long Island Baur... that may be a "Baur' Baur!

Sept 2009 Merrick NY (Long Island between Hempstead and Jones Beach, roughly) Square headlights. Possibly owned by Christiane Baur? This appeared in Mark Spizzirri's blog September 13, 2009.
The Beaufort (SC) Baur

FOUND!!! See blog post October 6, 2011
1978 BMW 323i Baur Convertible – was for sale in True Gear Head: $3500 Rare European-only gray market e21 BMW 3 series Baur conversion. White w/blue interior, 5 speed (non sport), Stahl header, Recaro seats, Alpina gauge cluster, Alpina steering wheel, Alpina Shift Knob, New DieHard Battery, Runs strong, daily driver or ready to restore. NO structural rust (towers, jack points, etc) Just a few spots. Located near downtown Beaufort. Anyone know where it is now?
YES! We do! See blog post above. We leave this here for now just to provide an example, and an inspiration. It took us most of the year but.... WE NAILED IT! Kudos Baurhunters! We are now in communication with the new owner in California.
These are just a few of the Baurs we currently seek. We will be posting more as time allows. We have unconfirmed reports from all over the country, including probably near you! Stay tuned! We need your eyes and ears out there!
Here is a Google map of the TC1 Baurs we have information on:,-72.773437&spn=61.048665,157.324219
And here is our recent Status Report on our progress in identifying and locating the Baur TC1s in the US:
The cars that appear here are those for which we may have a pic to post, a report of a sighting, or an old craigs list ad, but we have not been able to make a definitive confirmation of the car as yet. We are looking for Baur numbers, VIN numbers, owners names, locations, etc., .... anything that can help us determine the existence of the car. We also seek information that may help us to determine that the car no longer exists.... that it has been scrapped, parted out, or otherwise disposed of.
We welcome any help, suggestions, rumours, etc. that may be a clue to helping us in our quest. We also welcome any information on any OTHER Baur that may be previously unknown to us. Please send any info to me at
THEPOOLEMAN posted these pics in the E30 bimmerforums thread " A Rare Bird: The E30 Baur"
This Baur was in the Boston are in 2007. Does anyone know this Baur?
Here is THEPOOLEMAN'S post:
2002 Alpine White Baur
Here's some pics of the 02 Baur I took them in 2007 at Bavarian Auto sport Oktoberfest, As I said i had the owners
information and lost it. I do remember he was from the Nashia area so I'll keep
my eyes peeled.
As for the 2002 Baur for sale here in New England I mentioned I think I was being played by someone, A 2002 Baur for $6,000.00 that is too good to be true unless it's a pile of parts.

As for the 2002 Baur for sale here in New England I mentioned I think I was being played by someone, A 2002 Baur for $6,000.00 that is too good to be true unless it's a pile of parts.
Ok, Baurhunters. I was surfing through r3vlimited today and I came across this Baur from September 2007.
Your Mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find this Baur! :) I have attached some clues below.... it bears a remarkable resemblance to conkitchen's white Baur, which he transformed into the car that is now docjohn's in Arizona!
Stay tuned!
posted by funkmast in r3vlimited
Look at what is parked in the background!
RARE RARE - 81 323i baur - full zender kit and recaros
Feel free to cross-post to an E21 board... I dont know of any...
1981 323i Baur convertible --PROJECT CAR--
This is a very VERY rare car. It is rare to find E21 323i's, and it is rare to find E21 Baur's. To find an E21 323i Baur, is nearly unheard of.
This is a project car, and deserves to be put back on the road.
Clear title.
Will part out if no takers (would be a shame)
*Full authentic zender kit (airdam, side skirts, rear skirt)
*euro bumpers in good condition
*2.7L M20 (not hooked up)
*5 speed trans
*150k on chassis
*no diff
*15" fittipaldi reps available, comes with bottlecap wheels
*dash is cracked, recaros have been recovered (and need it again)
*top has some tears
$2000 obo
1981 323i Baur convertible --PROJECT CAR--
This is a very VERY rare car. It is rare to find E21 323i's, and it is rare to find E21 Baur's. To find an E21 323i Baur, is nearly unheard of.
This is a project car, and deserves to be put back on the road.
Clear title.
Will part out if no takers (would be a shame)
*Full authentic zender kit (airdam, side skirts, rear skirt)
*euro bumpers in good condition
*2.7L M20 (not hooked up)
*5 speed trans
*150k on chassis
*no diff
*15" fittipaldi reps available, comes with bottlecap wheels
*dash is cracked, recaros have been recovered (and need it again)
*top has some tears
$2000 obo
photo was posted on 2/6/2012 in the E30 forum by bimmerforums member
FrOzEnSoLiD, who is from the northern VA area. According to TomDC, it appears to
have Maryland plates. I am posting it here because I know we have a number of
members in the greater DC area, and we could use your help.
N.B. 1) Right hand drive.
2) No Baur TC badge on the B pillar (roll bar).
3) Unusual Color
4) The color of the Baur frame is matched to the body color.
All of those items noted above serve to help us identify this unusual find as one of the 3500 TC2 Baurs built in South Africa under license to Baur Stuttgart.
Baur Guru Jeroen J. of The Netherlands, resident authority on all things Baur in bimmerforums, has commented on the above:
"The Baur from FrozenSolid's pic is a South-African build Baur. It hasn't the "Baur TC" plates on the B-pillar, but the most recognizable part is the coloured Baur-frame (all Stuttgart build Baur's have a black frame). About 3500 Baur TC's where build by the SA BMW-factory. The frames where put on before the car was sprayed or anything."
That is the first South African-produced Baur we have spotted in the US, as far as I know.
Your assignment, Baurhunters, should you choose to accept it: LET'S FIND THAT BAUR! Maryland plates, metro DC area..... how hard can it be? Can't be more than 3 or 4 million cars to sift through, right?

I wonder if Lothar Schuettler knows about this one.... or perhaps the BMWCCA National Chapter? Any National Chapter members here?
If you know anything about this Baur, please email me, or post your info to us in bimmerforums thread here:
or comment in my blog:
Any help is greatly appreciated!
N.B. 1) Right hand drive.
2) No Baur TC badge on the B pillar (roll bar).
3) Unusual Color
4) The color of the Baur frame is matched to the body color.
All of those items noted above serve to help us identify this unusual find as one of the 3500 TC2 Baurs built in South Africa under license to Baur Stuttgart.
Baur Guru Jeroen J. of The Netherlands, resident authority on all things Baur in bimmerforums, has commented on the above:
"The Baur from FrozenSolid's pic is a South-African build Baur. It hasn't the "Baur TC" plates on the B-pillar, but the most recognizable part is the coloured Baur-frame (all Stuttgart build Baur's have a black frame). About 3500 Baur TC's where build by the SA BMW-factory. The frames where put on before the car was sprayed or anything."
That is the first South African-produced Baur we have spotted in the US, as far as I know.
Your assignment, Baurhunters, should you choose to accept it: LET'S FIND THAT BAUR! Maryland plates, metro DC area..... how hard can it be? Can't be more than 3 or 4 million cars to sift through, right?
I wonder if Lothar Schuettler knows about this one.... or perhaps the BMWCCA National Chapter? Any National Chapter members here?
If you know anything about this Baur, please email me, or post your info to us in bimmerforums thread here:
or comment in my blog:
Any help is greatly appreciated!
12/11/2011 New Hampshire Baur Spotted!
Ok, folks. Here is a beauty that was spotted on Facebook. Totally unknown to us here at Baurspotting, but we would love to find it! We have Our Man in New Hampshire (The Pooleman from E30 Bimmerforums) on the case! Any help is appreciated!
Atlanta, GA Baur
In December of 2010, bimmerforums member and fellow Baur owner BruceH mentioned that there was a purple Baur needing rescue in the Atlanta area. Today, Bruce found and posted the pics of this car in bimmerforums.
Check it out.
We now know that what was once a rumor, now has form and substance. The Baur exists, or at least, it did exist in June 2007. And that is a start!
This is what we know: there is, or at least there was in June 2007, a bluish-purple Baur at a shop in south Atlanta, Georgia. It had a single tail pipe, which makes it either an M10 or an M20 320/6. It appears to have had a tan/beige vinyl or leather interior. We know that it had a Georgia plate (1385 ADP) from DeKalb County, that it had euro bumpers, and that the license plate was mounted.euro-style, below the rear bumper. It had a trunk lip and a Zender rear skirt, and it had federal side marker lights, at least on the front.
We need to know the location, the Baur number and the owner to complete the picture. We are not there yet, but this is a huge step!
This is all great stuff! Thanks again, Bruce, we are in your debt! We look forward to learning more about this Baur! Stay tuned, folks!
The Baur in the Brush, Fort Bragg CA

This is an aerial shot of the Baur in the Brush (below) found by Tom D of bimmerforums. You can just see a white dot in the center of the picture.... that is the Baur pictured in closeup below. Amazing. You can see how close and vulnerable it is to the ocean. Can we rescue it in time?
Check it out.

This is what we know: there is, or at least there was in June 2007, a bluish-purple Baur at a shop in south Atlanta, Georgia. It had a single tail pipe, which makes it either an M10 or an M20 320/6. It appears to have had a tan/beige vinyl or leather interior. We know that it had a Georgia plate (1385 ADP) from DeKalb County, that it had euro bumpers, and that the license plate was mounted.euro-style, below the rear bumper. It had a trunk lip and a Zender rear skirt, and it had federal side marker lights, at least on the front.
We need to know the location, the Baur number and the owner to complete the picture. We are not there yet, but this is a huge step!
This is all great stuff! Thanks again, Bruce, we are in your debt! We look forward to learning more about this Baur! Stay tuned, folks!
The Baur in the Brush, Fort Bragg CA

See updated blog posts on 3/11 and 3/13/2011!
A Baur in the Bush. Found by mathews in a flickr site: " Euro bumpers, single tailpipe, 320i badge, Federal rear side markers. Sad looking. Posted by "Rick C." California plates. Any clues? In the updated blog posts we have actually found some aerial pics of the car from several years ago, located on the beach in Fort Bragg, CA. We think it may still be there, but we need someone to go and check it out for us. We would love to have the Baur plate number of this car.... and we would also, of course, love to have someone rescue it. It appears in the pics to be just steps from the Pacific Ocean.
The Long Island Baur... that may be a "Baur' Baur!

Sept 2009 Merrick NY (Long Island between Hempstead and Jones Beach, roughly) Square headlights. Possibly owned by Christiane Baur? This appeared in Mark Spizzirri's blog September 13, 2009.
The Beaufort (SC) Baur

FOUND!!! See blog post October 6, 2011
1978 BMW 323i Baur Convertible – was for sale in True Gear Head: $3500 Rare European-only gray market e21 BMW 3 series Baur conversion. White w/blue interior, 5 speed (non sport), Stahl header, Recaro seats, Alpina gauge cluster, Alpina steering wheel, Alpina Shift Knob, New DieHard Battery, Runs strong, daily driver or ready to restore. NO structural rust (towers, jack points, etc) Just a few spots. Located near downtown Beaufort. Anyone know where it is now?
YES! We do! See blog post above. We leave this here for now just to provide an example, and an inspiration. It took us most of the year but.... WE NAILED IT! Kudos Baurhunters! We are now in communication with the new owner in California.
These are just a few of the Baurs we currently seek. We will be posting more as time allows. We have unconfirmed reports from all over the country, including probably near you! Stay tuned! We need your eyes and ears out there!
Here is a Google map of the TC1 Baurs we have information on:,-72.773437&spn=61.048665,157.324219
And here is our recent Status Report on our progress in identifying and locating the Baur TC1s in the US: