Dedicated to the BMW Baur TC1 (E21 1975-83) in particular, and Baur cabriolets in general. We hope to locate and identify all the BMW Baur TC1s in existence in the United States at the present time.
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1982 BMW 323i Baur

Memorial Day 2010 First Drive 1982 323i BMW Baur Lapisblau M20 5 speed #4154 of 4595 made. The car was imported to California by Dietel Enterprises. I have since changed the wheels, installed the clear turn signal lenses, and I am in the process of installing a new cabriolet roof. I have to do something about those bumpers, too. :) I love this car! To see one of the reasons why, check my post "Score One For the Good Guys" on 6/26/2011.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Sunday, August 26, 2012
1975 2002 Baur Targa
I stumbled across this 1975 2002 Baur Targa a while back. Anyone have any info on this Baur?
You may recall that this car was at the SoCal Vintage Show in Van Nuys, CA at the end of October, 2011. The steering wheel has been changed: in October it has a nice-looking Nardi-style wood steering wheel.
BMW 2002's are a fairly common sight, but when was the last time you saw one of these? This 1975 BMW 2002 Baur Targa is one of 1,973 produced and although it has some flaws it could make for a fun summer driver. Find it here on eBay in Los Gatos California with bidding at $50 and the reserve unmet.
This 2002 was updated to tii specification, which basically means that they added fuel injection. If it was done correctly this could be a welcome upgrade. It could be switched back to carbs though if needed. There are no photos of the engine included in the listing so it would be a good idea to request a few photos or take a look at the car in person.
The rest of the car looks very original with the exception of the steering wheel and rims. We like the looks of the minilite look rims and the M1 wheel does not look too out of place. We would probably want to stick a black Momo Prototipo on there and sell the M1 wheel.
The rear widow is foggy so the top will need to be repaired or replaced. We are not sure how hard these are to source and you may end just having to have someone make it from scratch.
Our biggest concern with this car is the rust the the rear shock towers. Luckily the seller is including new tower metal to make the repair. This car is a special model, so if you know what you are doing this car would be worth saving.
Here is a link to some pics from the SoCal Vintage Show on October 29, 2011 in Van Nuys, CA:
Need a new convertible top for your 2002 Targa?
Scroll to find Targa convertible tops.
Baur: Twelve Cars In One!
UPDATE July 4, 2020, The Fourth of July Holiday! Thanks to Bob Kauffman for the link to this Beach Baur! Surf's Up, dudes! ;)
UPDATE March 17, 2016 St. Patrick's Day! Thanks to Barry Foley of Ireland for these pics showing the Baur as the PERFECT St. Patrick's Day Parade car! I love it! Guests of Honor can ride in the back seat of the Parade car.... standing up safely thanks to the built-in roll bar! Fantastic! Thanks, Barry!
UPDATE December 30, 2015: OMG, the Hits just keep coming! Thanks to Craig Saxon for the heads up to Cameron Wishart's TC1 Baur in Australia! Cameron's Baur has an aftermarket sunroof installed in his removable Targa roof! Which gives him a totally NEW roof-style option! We love it! OK, granted that this does not come standard on the TC1 Baur. But, the TC2 Baur Targa roof CAN be used in a partially opened tilt-top--- which we have not mentioned here yet! So, this feature makes 'Eleven Cars In One" for the Baur! Thank you Craig and Cameron!
UPDATE December 24, 2015: Thanks to TC Baur in Facebook, we have another option! Not sure how to transport that Christmas Tree home? Here is the solution! ;)
A Baur Christmas Tree Hauler!
UPDATE May 19, 2015:
Thanks to my friend Hans Wortelboer, we have a NEW option for the versatile Baur Cabriolet: Baur Garden/Cold Frame! In all honesty, we didn't see this one coming, but we love it! ;)
Don't crush that rusted BMW Baur! Plant it!
Come on, folks! You don't get this stuff anywhere else! :)
Put the glass and cabriolet cover back on.... and it is a cold frame!
Thank you, Hans, and Kudos to Senad Grabovac for taking these pics!
UPDATE May 12, 2015:
Thanks to the Puerto Rico Classic Bimmer Group - Clasicos BMW for posting, and Harry Bonkosky for alerting me to this pic of a cyclist support team back in the day!
UPDATE May 22, 2014: Thanks to Michal J. for posting this pic of his Baur in Facebook today, showing us ANOTHER use for the Baur that we hadn't seen before:
I love it! :)
Nice day for a "White Wedding"! ;)
We already know about the Baur as Four Cars in one, namely the Coupe, Targa, Landaulette and Cabriolet, from BMW ads like this:
But that's not all!
I am building a new built-in bookcase at the house, and needed to pick up some of the lumber. My wife had taken her station wagon with the roof rack on her errands but... no problem! I just took the Baur to the lumberyard!
I just threw a couple of rags onto the roll bar and the windshield to protect the cloth, an then tied down those 10 foot boards with twine. I just stuck the smaller six foot pieces in the back seat, as you can see.
If you look closely you can now see the lumberyard twine that I used to tie down the boards.
Because they were only 10 feet long, they were too short to tie to the front or rear of the car. I simply wrapped the twine around the roll bar, and then ran a few lines to the window frames (door open) for stability. It was a piece of cake!
Can't do THAT with a regular convertible!
Presenting: My Baur as a Truck!
Although this is a valuable, if utilitarian, use of the Baur, it occurs to me that there are other, more recreational uses also possible:
Coupe, Targa, Landaulette, Cabriolet, Truck, SURF CAR! WEDDING CARRIAGE! SEVEN cars in ONE!
Why not? If these guys can do it, so can the Baur!!!
We believe that this truck was converted from a TC2 Baur.... it has a removable Baur Targa roof over the cab.
And here is one of our own Baur guys.... TJ's Jetski!
(Ok, technically, on closer inspection, I think that is TJ's '87 iS, not his 86 325e Baur. But.... it coulda been!)
(The last two pics were courtesy of my son, Brian, who helped me load his kayak onto the Baur. Thanks, Brian!)
Surf's Up, Dudes!
(Surf Car pic is from Jeroen.)
8/27/2012 Here is another pic sent today by Jeroen of The Netherlands:
Btw, that is his E30 325iX Baur, one of only 114 ever built!! And he has TWO of them!!!
Thanks, Jeroen!
TomDC's TC2 Baur with Yakima bike rack.
OK, this one takes the cake!
This pic is from Poland. Wow. ;)
Posted by HarryPR in Facebook from BMW Classic Poland site.
** The Beach Boys on the Red Skelton Show 1963: Boat necked striped shirts, clam-digger pants, and lip-synching! Surf's Up!
I am throwing in this extra bonus video just because it is one of my all-time favorite tunes! Enjoy!
UPDATE: Thanks to THEPOOLEMAN IN E30 bimmerforums, we have the perfect accesssory to make your Baur a SIX Cars in One Baur!
A Baur-specific roof rack system!
Thank you, Ed!
Here is an example of a roof rack system in use on an E21 by our friend Brian C of Washington DC! No E21 was harmed in the making of that photo, per Brian C.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
More 700s, including a Baur
This picture album was posted to the blog tonight in response to our post ...
..... about the two 700 project cars sent to us by The Pooleman.
Definitely check their album out! Link below.
Thanks for posting this to us!
Lots more pics here:
You Are There 1984: Gray Market Cars
Here is an article from the January 1984 issue of Der Bayerische that gives some insight into what gray market cars of the time had to go through to get legally registered in the US. It does indicate, btw, that the cost of 'federalizing' a gray market car was in the $5000+ range. That was a significant add-on to the cost of the car at the time.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
You Are There 1971: Roundel References The Touring and New 2002 Baur Targa. Priceless!
Here is an excerpt from Roundel, circa 1971. It contains an update to the Touring, and an early reference to 'an odd-looking convertible with a built-in roll bar", that is 'not likely to reach the US either".
The reference is to the 2002 Baur Targa, no doubt.
BMW is realigning its models. The Touring, r e -
viewed in the April R & T as the Touring 2002 Tii
with fuel-injection engine, is being spread out as
predicted: this hatch-back version of the 1600-2002
body will become available with the regular 1600
and 2002 (1. 6 and 2. 0 liter engines), signaling its
future availability here.
The regular 2-door models get improvements and
new names. They'll be the 1602, 1802 and 2002
now: the 1802 has the 1. 8 liter engine and is thus
a new combination, while the 1602 is simply an updated 1600 and the 2002 gets updated without a name
change. The changes: rubber-covered bumpers,
newly shaped seats, a "safety" instrument panel
with recessed switches, improved electrics, wiper/
washer and heater, and some minor mechanical improvements. The 2002 TI becomes 2002 Tii, getting
mechanical fuel injection to replace its two carburetors. Meanwhile, back in the U. S. , we don't
get anything with more than one carburetor, so we'll
have the 1602 and 2002. There would be no point in
adding the 1802 to the U. S. lineup. The lineup for
Europe also includes an odd-looking convertible with
built-in rollbar, somewhat like the Triumph Stag.
Porsche 914 and Targa: this isn't likely to reach the
U. S. either.
Europe gets its version of the Bavaria, a basic 6-
cyl. model with either 2.5 or 2.8 liter engine
available. Following the Geneva introduction of the
3 liter coupe (3.0 CS), the 3-liter engine now goes
into a 3.0 sedan to replace the former 2800 sedan,
and at the same time all 6-cyl. models get revised
suspension calibration and minor body changes.
Chuck Baldwin
Roundel August 1971
The reference is to the 2002 Baur Targa, no doubt.
Bill W's Touring at The BMW Vintage at Saratoga 7/14/2012
BMW is realigning its models. The Touring, r e -
viewed in the April R & T as the Touring 2002 Tii
with fuel-injection engine, is being spread out as
predicted: this hatch-back version of the 1600-2002
body will become available with the regular 1600
and 2002 (1. 6 and 2. 0 liter engines), signaling its
future availability here.
The regular 2-door models get improvements and
new names. They'll be the 1602, 1802 and 2002
now: the 1802 has the 1. 8 liter engine and is thus
a new combination, while the 1602 is simply an updated 1600 and the 2002 gets updated without a name
change. The changes: rubber-covered bumpers,
newly shaped seats, a "safety" instrument panel
with recessed switches, improved electrics, wiper/
washer and heater, and some minor mechanical improvements. The 2002 TI becomes 2002 Tii, getting
mechanical fuel injection to replace its two carburetors. Meanwhile, back in the U. S. , we don't
get anything with more than one carburetor, so we'll
have the 1602 and 2002. There would be no point in
adding the 1802 to the U. S. lineup. The lineup for
Europe also includes an odd-looking convertible with
built-in rollbar, somewhat like the Triumph Stag.
Porsche 914 and Targa: this isn't likely to reach the
U. S. either.
Europe gets its version of the Bavaria, a basic 6-
cyl. model with either 2.5 or 2.8 liter engine
available. Following the Geneva introduction of the
3 liter coupe (3.0 CS), the 3-liter engine now goes
into a 3.0 sedan to replace the former 2800 sedan,
and at the same time all 6-cyl. models get revised
suspension calibration and minor body changes.
Chuck Baldwin
Roundel August 1971
Friday, August 17, 2012
Who Are Those Guys? 2002 Baur Cabrios at VoV 2009
You may be aware that since February 2011 Baurspotting has been engaged in a project to locate and identify all the TC1 Baurs in the US. Well, that has changed.
Der Bayerische Magazine July/August 2009
This project has generated considerable interest in bimmerforums, and it has sparked increased interest in the whole family of BMW Baurs: E30 TC2 Baurs, the 1600 Cabrios, the 2002 Voll Cabrios and Targas, as well. In response to this, over the past year or so, Baurspotting has expanded the scope of the project to include the entire family Baurs!
The picture you see above is the cover of July/August 2009 Der Bayerische Magazine, published by the National Capital Chapter BMWCCA. It was taken at the Vintage at the Vineyard, NC in 2009. This was the only comment about the cover picture:
Cover: Dobson Vineyards provided a bucolic
setting for this year's Vintage at the Vineyards.
Page 14. Photo: Brad Day
So I am seeking some assistance in identifying these Baurs. Can we find them? That is the challenge!
There are four BMW Baurs captured in the pic: in the foreground are what appears to be two 1600 Cabrios; the third car from the right appears to be a 2002 Cabrio, and the furthest car to the left appears to be a 2002 Targa.
In addition to the above, Baurspotting is now actively seeking information on ALL BMW Baurs in the USA: 1600 Cabriolets, 2002 Voll Cabriolets and Targas, TC1 E21 Baurs. TC2 E30 Baurs, and even TC3 E36 Baurs, if any exist in the US.
We welcome any input, credit freely given, for information on ANY Baur in the US! Let's find them ALL! Anyone can post any info as a comment in this blog. Or, if you prefer, please send any info to me at:
Privacy will be respected, of course. Just send pics and enough information to ensure positive identification, to avoid confusion and duplication.
The burning question is..... as Butch Cassidy once said.... who are those guys?.... in the pic on the cover of Der Bayerische?
UPDATE: Thanks to some input from knowledgeable guys in the 2002faq forum, we have been able to identify the 4 Baurs on the cover:
(left to right) The Baur Targa on the far left is owned by Chris I. in Philly; the red 2002 Cabrio is owned by Robbie; the yellow 1600 is owned by Dirk in FL; and Bob V. is the owner of the white 1600 Cabrio in the foreground.
Here is another pic from 02Les taken that day from a different angle, and the Baur Targa is not visible:
(left to right) The Baur Targa on the far left is owned by Chris I. in Philly; the red 2002 Cabrio is owned by Robbie; the yellow 1600 is owned by Dirk in FL; and Bob V. is the owner of the white 1600 Cabrio in the foreground.
Here is another pic from 02Les taken that day from a different angle, and the Baur Targa is not visible:
Thank you, 02Les. Thanks also to Bill Williams and Sam Adams for the info above. Great job, thanks for the help!
Here is the Baur Targa, pre-unfortunate incident earlier this year in which it got hit, pic by Bill Williams:
Dirk's Voll Cabriolet (next three pics from jgerock):
Robbie's red Voll Cabriolet:
Bob's Chamonix 1600 Cabriolet at the vintage 2012:
Robbie's red Voll Cabriolet:
Bob's Chamonix 1600 Cabriolet at the vintage 2012:
This is a link to the 2002faq thread where this was discussed, with more pics:,com_forum/Itemid,57/page,viewtopic/t,376128/highlight,baur/,com_forum/Itemid,57/page,viewtopic/t,376128/highlight,baur/
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