Thanks to Matt and Becca Pickering for this great little video
that does a great job of capturing the
event throughout course of the day.
One of my favorite weather quotes by Mark Twain:
"Everybody COMPLAINS about the weather, but nobody ever DOES anything about it!"
Well, I am pleased to say that we have FINALLY found someone
who DID something about it! I don't claim to know HOW he did
it---- and maybe I don't WANT to know---- but Steve Kirkup
managed to turn June 29, 2013 from a day of rain and thunderstorms,
both real and predicted, into a sunny, hot summer day, perfect for our
Connecticut Drive 2013!
Kudos, Steve! He deserves a round of applause, and a chance to
toot his own horn! Thanks to Charlie Gordy, here he is doing exactly that! Perfect!
Charlie Gordy's pics:
Great job, Charlie!
Most of the pics below are by Charlie Gordy, and some from Kevin Wickless, Scott Sislane
Rob Siegel, Wink Cleary, Carl Scholz, Chris Connolly, Lance Johnson, Lee Perrault and Jeff Keener. Thanks to all for posting!
Notice... the ground is wet around the car. This is how the day started out. Steve Kirkup, the event host, somehow manged to change the weather. Hats off to Steve!
Lance Johnson's Z at The Pavilion
Lee Perrault waving hello in The Bean
Buttonwood Farm for some ice cream
Matt and Becca are all smiles
Martha Cleary and Peter Arkell
Tom and Lee.
Dave, George, Steve, Matt and Tom. High level summit meeting eyeballing the straightness of the parking line.
Chris Connolly snatches his early pick in the beer swap
Matt Pickering emcee'ing the beer swap
Willy Wiley (L) sharing his Farmobil album
Charlie Gordy's E21 and Kevin Wickless' 1600.
Scott's 1976 2002
T-shirts by Scott Sislane. JW at the fish pond.
This is a pic of Charlie Gordy taking the pic at the top of this page.
Wink Cleary
At Buttonwood Farms
Steve's Prohibition-era Beer Truck: 1931 Ford Model AA. Gotta love that!
Steve's Porsche 912
Needs more Malaga. ;)
Steve's Model AA 1931 Ford truck. Beautiful. 'Nuff said!
George's red 02, Lee's green .... The Bean
Now THAT is what I call a turn signal!
View from Steve's garage with his TR6 project at right.
Straight-ish lineup. This was the best we could manage BEFORE the beer swap, btw.
On the Connecticut Drive.
The meet-up location: The Pavilion Restaurant, Ashaway, RI.
(L to R)Tom Schuch, Charlie Gordy, Steve Kirkup (in white directing traffic in background), Rob Siegel's white tii, Jeff Keener, George Abad.
The lineup at Buttonwood Farms.
At Steve's house
Lance's supercharged Z3
Meetup in MA
Buttonwood Farm
Steve's backyard
Buttonwood lineup
Buttonwood lineup
Rob Siegel and his white tii "Kugel"
Charlie Gordy's E21
Buttonwood lineup
The Hack Mechanic autographing his book for Carl
The Bean
Buttonwood Farm's security alarm in foreground
Buttonwood lineup
Video from Carl Scholz. Thank you, Carl!
Umm.... guess where. ;)
View out Steve's garage, his TR6 to the right
Departing Buttonwood
The next 22 pics are from Lance Johnson, President of the BMCCA CT Valley Chapter.
The Pavilion meetup spot, Ashaway RI
1931 Ford Model AA

Tech session to reinstall Kevin's passenger window
Steve brings out some snacks for the morning meetup
The arrival of part of the contingent from MA/NH: Scott, Lee, Chris, and Dave.
E21s Represent! Charlie G's 1977 320i and the Baurspotting Baur.
The Hack mechanic, Rob Siegel
Buttonwood lineup
Two lineups at Steve's house
The beer truck
The Pavilion meetup
This rooster was at Butttonwood Farms, and actually started crowing as we were about to leave. I think he wanted us to stick around for awhile, but that is just me. Alternatively, he was psychotic, and just thought that dawn was around 12:30pm, or so. I am going with the former rather than the latter. ;)
The Bean, Baurspotting's E21 Baur, and George Abad's Guard's Red 2002.
OK, folks. Hang onto your hats.... here come Scott Sislane's pics! Yikes! ;) I think I just 'tilted' the machine!! Thanks, Scott! Wow!
Steve and Simon at Tech session
Lance Johnson, Jerri and Willy Wiley, Peter Arkell and Steve Kirkup
The Food Table
Matt P. and Charlie G.
Becca Pickering and Vickie Kirkup
Dave's 02
Matt P.
Tech session
The Pavilion meetup
Lee's green Bean and George's red 02.
Tech session
George, Steve and Simon
Simon arrives at Steve's house.
MA meetup
MA meetup
Looks like the replacement window is in!
Getting a little damp at the Pavilion
Lee Perrault's Pics below:
MA meetup
MA meetup
The Hack Mechanic gets it done!
Only thing missing is the remote.