Our friend and fellow Baur owner Andreas Therstappen is attending the Oldtimers Exposition in Ghent, Belgium this weekend, and he has posted a pic in Facebook. We hope to see more pics in the course of the show, so stay tuned!
P.S. These pics are a sneak peek into the show.... the Exposition doesn't actually start until tomorrow! Thanks, Andreas!
Andreas sent us this pic from his garage recently as he was getting Baur #000001 ready to go to the show:
P.S. These pics are a sneak peek into the show.... the Exposition doesn't actually start until tomorrow! Thanks, Andreas!
Andreas is in good company at the event, btw, as you can see: (left to right) BMW 507, BMW M1 by Baur, BMW 1600GT, and Baur #000001!
Notice the license plate: it refers to the fact this this is the FIRST E21 Baur ever built! Baur Plate # 000001!
Andreas sent us this pic from his garage recently as he was getting Baur #000001 ready to go to the show:
Stay tuned for more!
More pics from the Oldtimers Exposition in Ghent, Belgium from Andreas. Thanks Andreas!
2002 Cabrio Targa by Baur
E30 TC2 Baur
M1 by Baur!
The license plate says it all: BMW 507!
Isetta and Baur!
"Love is a many-splendored thing." William Shakespeare.
Kudos to Andreas' wife, who is cleaning his car in the pic above for the show while he takes these pictures! Wow! That is true devotion! Thank you from Baurspotting, Mrs. Therstappen! We owe you a beer! :)
Nice! I love these colors! (Hint, hint! ;) )
Jags! I love the XJS, btw. And the early XJS cabrios have a very Baur-like targa top, soft rear top and built-in roll bar! Like a Baur Top Cabriolet! And that is a red Z1 at the extreme left, btw.
E9! And Baur Targa!
Z1 by Baur!
Motorcycle and Batrmobile!
507, M1 and Baur!
Whoa! What is this!!!! Shouldn't it say "Baur' there? The short answer is 'yes'. But.... this is a VERY special Baur! You MUST see this previous post:
Therein you will find the explanation of the pic above! This is very privileged information, btw! Very few people would have any idea what this was. Here is an earlier pic from that Baurspotting blog post from Andreas which shows the origin of the pic above:

Aha! Check the blog post above for the explanation. I don't know of any other Baur site in the world that posted this info! Thank you, Andreas!
Sharks and a TC2 Baur on the left
2002 Baur Cabrio Targa
M1 and 507
Isetta, Baur 000001, 1600GT, M1 and 507
Signed original. Signature is that of Herrmann Wenzelburger, co-designer of the E21 Baur, on the hood of Baur #0001. for more info on Herr Wenzelburger, including pics: http://baurspotting.blogspot.com/2011/11/first-baur-restoration-project_23.html
Andreas and Baur #000001 at Oldtimers Exposition, Ghent Belgium February 2014.
Kudos, Andreas!
Loaded up and heading home after a successful show! Pic by Mathias T.
Some more pics from Mathias, taken at the Oldtimers Exposition in Ghent Belgium this weekend, used with permission:
Andreas in the truck enroute to Oldtimers Exposition
The destination
Baur #000001, the signed original. Note the Hermann Wenzelburger signature in corner of the hood.
Taken from inside the truck cab.
There were many other interesting cars there, including quite a few US cars!
Shelby Cobra
Ford Thunderbird
Chevy, Buick and Cadillac
Rolls Royce
Looks like a Lincoln
Chevy El Camino
Chevy Van
How about a video! ;)
Shelby Cobra!
Thank you, Mathias!
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