1982 BMW 323i Baur

1982 BMW 323i Baur
Memorial Day 2010 First Drive 1982 323i BMW Baur Lapisblau M20 5 speed #4154 of 4595 made. The car was imported to California by Dietel Enterprises. I have since changed the wheels, installed the clear turn signal lenses, and I am in the process of installing a new cabriolet roof. I have to do something about those bumpers, too. :) I love this car! To see one of the reasons why, check my post "Score One For the Good Guys" on 6/26/2011.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Jack Stand Safety: Kwick Lifts

I am curious to hear opinions, both pro and con, on this type of lift.  Some folks use them as an alternative to a 2 or 4 post lift, especially in a garage with limited space or height.  Do you own one of these?  Like it?  Hate it?  Please feel free to comment.

Please see also previous posts on "jack stand safety"  from March-April 2011;

and more....

Here is a pic of how the rear of the Kwick-lift is raised.

Corvette on Kwick-Lift and 4 jack stands.... and casters!

The owner of the Corvette above commented:
 "One bridge (that's the part that is attached between the two ramps) is standard with the Kwik Lift, a second bridge is optional. I also opted for a second bridge. The bridge permits the use of a bottle jack to do exactly as I have done to lift the car and install jack stands. The bridge(s) slides back and forth and has a hole on each end to permit bolting it in place on the ramps. Thus the bridge can be positioned anywhere along the ramps as desired. Also, the ramps are telescopic and have 3 sets of bolt holes to secure the sections together once they are extended to the desired length. I have mine set at the shortest length".

Removing a Honda engine from below.

Monday, March 26, 2012

1984 BMW Baur Top Cabriolet Dallas Texas

New Find on Craigs List Dallas


Very Rare 1984 BMW 323i Baur TC - $6400 (Dallas)

Date: 2012-03-24, 12:54PM CDT
Reply to: see below [Errors when replying to ads?]

This 1984 BMW Baur Top Cabriolet/Targa Convertible is a very unique and and quite special European only model. It has just over 117K miles, the canvas on the rear has been replaced years ago and looks great, everything else is original, obviously needs new upholstery. We own this car since 1985.


See more on this car:

Saturday, March 24, 2012

1984 323i Baur in California For Sale!

Check this one out! 

The seller is known to us here at Baurspotting and he has done a lot of work to bring this car to where it is now! 

Tons of pics on the eBay listing!  Gorgeous Baur! 

1984 BMW E30 323i BAUR TC2
Privately imported to California shortly after manufacture (in 1985!) where it has remained for the last 26 years... Original Alpine White paintwork. Restoration work completed in the last 600 miles include: New top, all sections, (hard, soft and header section) new headliner on hard section. Newly reupholstered seats, (front and rear). New radiator, water pump, expansion tank, hoses & coolant. New vacuum hoses. new brake rotors & pads (front and rear) and brake fluid flush. Rebuilt struts, new gas shocks, (front and rear). New tie rod ends. New inner & outer control arm ball joints and bushings. New door seals, new oil sump gasket and rear main seals. New timing belt and tensioner, New windshield chrome filler strip. Bumpers rechromed. New hood pad. New spark plugs. New exhaust manifold gaskets and nuts. New SI board batteries. New side marker and fog lights. New fuel & oil filters.
Replaced cylinder head gasket, valve stem seals, valve cover gasket... Have receipts since 1994 for $14,000.
Flawless original dash, no cracks or repairs-ever. Excellent paint, no accidents or rust-ever. Original Becker "Bavaria" AM/FM/SW electronic radio with added tweeter speakers that sounds incredible with a new power antenna. This car was ordered from the factory without A/C or power steering, giving it much improved road feel. The only downside is that you won't be able to do any one finger parking while sipping your latte...
Plus over $14,000 in receipts from previous owner which include a complete transmission rebuild 12k miles
EPA & DOT certified
California title
Note: Even though the car has passed smog in 2009 and prior, it will NOT pass California smog without new catalytic converters so if you buy and must smog you will need to install. The car has NEVER failed a smog.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Baur TC1 Pickup Truck

Mühldorf am Inn Classic Car Show 2008 

Baur Pick up truck 

I stumbled across this one tonight.

Monday, March 19, 2012

New Baur Find In Oregon!

New Baur Find!

Thanks to bimmerforums member 1rdmanahan1 we have a New Baur Find up in the Pacific Northwest!

This is Baur Plate #4307, and it is not yet listed on the International Baur Registry..... so it qualifies as A NEW FIND!

And guess what: It has an Alpina plaque on the dash! More details when we know more, folks, so stay tuned!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Baur TC2 325iX For Sale in Europe!

A 325iX BAUR!   The Ultimate Snowmobile..... and Top Cabriolet!  Extremely Limited Edition!

Many thanks to Jeroen, Baur Specialist from The Netherlands, for posting this link in Bimmerforums today.  An AWD BAUR for sale in Staufenberg Germany!  This is one of the rarest of the rare, since only 114  were ever built.  This one has an automatic transmission, of which only 21 were made.
Wow.  I would love to own this car!  But, since I want to STAY married, I won't be buying it.  Somebody grab this!!
Car Owner
D 35460 Staufenberg
Tel: +49 (0) 6406/8300500
Tel: +49 (0) 163/1727927

Type of vehicle:


(3 keepers)


€ 3.000, -

Body Style:
(5 seats)
Mileage: 281,465 km
Year: 09/1988
Performance: 125 kW (170 hp )
Exterior color: Vermilion

Vehicle description of agency

For sale is my BMW 325ix A Baur Convertible. Vermilion paint, black leather, with ski bag in the back seat, power windows, power, green glass, outside temp. Display. One of only 19 built 325ix automatic all-wheel Baur convertibles. Last entry in service record at 266165 km. The car has German daily admission has been approved anschliesend in Switzerland, where he had 2 owners, I have prepared for German and Swiss papers for the car, he is already cleared, and for approval in Germany. Among its shortcomings: no German TÜV, the BMW owner apparently had a little accident with a right rear, so the side panel above the wheel arch bit bumpy and dented the right corner below the bumper a bit. The droning engine starts, but not damage to the engine! The car has already been once, probably fully painted. The rear deck is not perfect. Here and there he has a few small signs of rust, not much. Have lots of pictures

(Google translation is responsible for the clumsy language, btw.)


  • ABS
  • All-wheel
  • Alloy wheels
  • Electric windows
  • Leather interior
  • Fog
  • Radio / CD
  • Full Service History
  • Power steering
  • Central

Further details about the vehicle:

Transmission: Manual transmission
Transitions: 5
Displacement: 2476 cm ³
Cylinder: 6
Curb weight: 1280 kg
All fuels: Gasoline

Emission class: € 1
Number of doors: 2
Seats: 5
Key number: 0005/461

Monday, March 12, 2012

New Baur Find in Bellingham WA

As I mentioned in a brief post the other day, I have been contacted by Tom of Bellingham WA.  He owns Baur #215, which he obtained from his boss, a BMW Tech, on the condition that he get it running.  NICE! And congrats to Tom!

I mentioned to tom that there is an strong group of E21 enthusiasts up in the Pacific Northwest (the PNWBBs), who I am sure would be eager to help him through any difficulties.... and eager to see his Baur!  They don't have many up that way:  Seth has one, there is that beautiful black E30 around Portland, and there was another E30 for sale in Seattle not long ago. Check out the

Here are some of his comments on the Baur's status at present:
"It ran when last parked about 8 years ago.  Now that the new Weber is on it should fire right up.  I need to bleed the brakes and replace the shocks/struts.  It was rear ended and both front and rear were damaged.  A new Radiator support and rear clip (welded rear of the fuel door) were welded in place and that is where my boss stopped.   I expect to have it running and driving in the next few weeks-no rush though, spring doesn't start here until July.  I then plan on finishing a bit of filler work on the rear quarter panels and fixing a handful  of parking lot dings.  The body work probably should be complete before summer as well but I may not have it painted until next spring due to time and money. "

And he asks the $64,000 Question:  "Do you have any idea what the car is worth when I'm done? (assuming the paint and body work are of good quality and not noticable to the untrained eye-professionals can ALWAYS tell)"


Prices are all over the place, but I happen to believe that they may be headed up.  We are working hard here at Baurspotting to promote an awareness of the E21s, and the E21 Baurs in particular.    And we are starting to see some outstanding Baur projects develop, particularly by folks like bimmerforums member 1rdmanahan1 in Texas, and now Ron Perry and Vintage Motorsports out in California. 




That said, most of us are not in the classic car business for pecuniary reasons.  Most of us are here because we love these cars, whether that be for reasons of style, performance, or historical significance, etc.  But no one is going to complain if they also turn out to have a decent ROI (return on investment)!

Personally, I don't ever expect to sell my Baur, but rather simply pass it along to my sons. But that discussion is for another day!

here are some more pics of Tom's new Baur:

Congratulations again to Tom, and we look forward to hearing about his progress. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

In Memoriam: Christian Klorczyk, March 11, 2011

Safety is never out of fashion.

It was one year ago today that a tragic accident took the life of a local young BMW enthusiast, who was changing his oil.  We can't do anything to change that sad fact, but we can honor his memory by re-publishing the following posts, in the hope that telling his story may save the life of someone else.

The first post is from Christian's Dad, Frederick, who came upon my earlier initial post about his son. Frederick has been working hard, despite his personal tragedy, to get the safety message out to all:

Thank you, Frederick, and please accept our sincere condolences to you and your family.

This was my original post when I first learned of the tragic event:

I have since built a set of these wooden stands, modeled on those shown here by 'potenza'.  My 1989 325ix is up on them as we speak, preparing for a transmission replacement.


Video of a falling jack stand.  That's right.  It happens!

Are ratchetting jack stands safe?


I have more posts on jack stand safety, recommended jack stands, etc back in March and April 2011.  Please check them out.

Have fun, boys and girls, but.... please remember:  Safety first, safety last, safety always. 

Christian Klorcyzk, Requiescat in Pace.

"SLINGSHOT!" Hollywood picks up the Bill Caswell story! An E30 Rally Movie!

The Bill Caswell saga continues......

Gotta love Bill Caswell!

The actor's production shingle will guide pic centering on do-it-yourself car racer Bill Caswell.

Paramount has picked up Slingshot, a pitch centering around the true-life story of racer Bill Caswell, with Jeremy Renner attached to star and produce.
Renner will produce with Don Handfield, his partner at their shingle the Combine, with Handfield on board to write the screenplay.
A great underdog story, Caswell became known as a do-it-yourself racer when he bought a 991 BMW 318i that he found on Craigslist for $500. The unemployed man, a racing fanatic with time on his hands, refurbished the rust bucket and began entering racing rallies.
EXCLUSIVE: Jeremy Renner Forms Production Company, Developing Steve McQueen Biopic
His first race was inauspicious: he crashed the car in the first five minutes and blew the engine. Eventually, however, Caswell ended up on the winning track, coming in third place at the World Rally Championships in Mexico and beating teams with cars worth $400,000.
Renner and his Combine team seem to be focusing on the true-life testosterone-skewing fare. As first reported by THR, Combine's first project in development is McQueen, a biopic of the man’s man actor. Ivan Zacharias is attached to direct with James Gray writing the script.
Renner is repped by CAA and Untitled. Handfield is repped by UTA.
FILM: Jeremy Renner
Jeremy Renner



Also, check out Bill's pic signing my E21 helmet in the sidebar back in January 2012!

Jeremy Renner, btw, was in the latest Mission Impossible, and he will be Jason Bourne in the next Bourne (Robert Ludlum) installment!

Join Bill Caswell on Facebook!

He is rally racing another E30 in mexico as we speak!
Bill Caswell Motto sticker

Bill Caswell's 1991 M Powered 318i

Bill Caswell (left) and Sam Smith (Roundel columnist) at the CT Valley Chapter BMWCCA Annual MeetingJanuary 2012

Bill Caswell dedicating my Holeshot Drag Race helmet to my grandson, Abe January 2012

Bill Caswell and Sam Smith CVC Annual Meeting January 2012

Bill Caswell and Sam Smith CVC Annual Meeting January 2012


More info (pics and story) coming soon:  Baur #215, previously unknown, owned by Tom in WA state!

Stay tuned!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Another Unbelievable Baur Project From 1rdmanahan1!

OK, boys and girls, we have a real treat for you today.  Our friend, bimmerforums member 1rdmanahan1, whom you have met before.....

..... and here also....

...... has posted some new pics of his OTHER Baur project in E21 bimmerforums.  As you might expect, this project is shaping up to be another...Tour de Force!

I am just posting the pics here... I am speechless.  If you would like to read a commentary on the pics in 1rdmanhan1's own words, here is the link.  Trust me it is worth it!

Kudos, Ryne!!!! 

Wow!  Bear in mind that Ryne has 4 Baurs.  Mama Mia!

Had enough yet?


There's more, but I am already out of breath!!