Thanks to Peter van Uum for posting these pics today of Baur #3811. It is located in The Netherlands. I checked and it is already in both International Baur Registries. It is for sale. Check the link below.
Peter commented:
De Golf cabrio uit de werkplaats en de 320/6 Baur er in. Deze gaat als hij klaar is waarschijnlijk weer naar de UK
Tom Schuch Is this your Baur, Peter? If not, who is the owner?
The following three pics are from this Baur Registry:öffentlich/category/3367-3811.html
Peter commented:
De Golf cabrio uit de werkplaats en de 320/6 Baur er in. Deze gaat als hij klaar is waarschijnlijk weer naar de UK
The Golf Convertible from the workshop and the 320/6 baur in it. This is when he's done probably go back to the UK

Tom Schuch Is this your Baur, Peter? If not, who is the owner?
Peter van Uum He buy the car and i put my parts and work in it and then we sell it ,i have already a buyer in the UK

This pic is from the Baur Registry:
Thank you for posting, Peter!
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