
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

TC2 Baur Found At the Wreckers in Australia: Another One Bites The Dust!

Thanks to Greg F. for spotting this TC2 Baur at the wreckers in Australia recently.

UPDATE:  (Thanks to Jeroen Janssen) Baur plate number is "B45861-13".  

Thank you, Jeroen!

Anyone out there in need of TC2 Baur parts?  Shoot me an email to let me know what you need, and we will work to arrange contact with the wreckers.

He made a return trip to get more info on it and this is his report:
Hi Tom, I got back out to the wreckers today and had a look at the E30 Baur I was telling you about. Unfortunately, the dash is gone so there's no Baur number, but the last 7 VIN is 1880106. It's an automatic 325e, built in Jan 1986, but the VIN plate has Apr 1986, with a separate plate on the radiator support that states "BMW built in Jan 1986". I took a rubbing of the later plate and should have a picture of the VIN plate, if it came out. I'll scan and get photos to you soon.

We do not have the Baur number on this yet. Perhaps someone can help us out by tracing it using the VIN!  

Thank you, Greg!


  1. Hey Tom, I'm not sure where you got Ohio from, but it's my fault for not being specific. I ain't been to Ohio for nigh on 25 years and I'm located in Melbourne, Australia for the past 14 years. This car is at Pick-a-Part in Kilsyth, Victoria, Australia.

  2. Hi Greg, I clicked on your name in the Facebook message, and I was taken to Greg Fair's Facebook page in Ohio! Too funny! I thought you were in OZ, so when that page came up, I wasn't sure what to think. And the Greg Fair in Ohio has a BMW! Too funny. Sorry about that. I will fix it! ;)

  3. I need both tops targa and fold down la h peaces for targa top and both rear glass windows
