
Friday, October 11, 2019

Paul Wegweiser at Maximillian Importing Company! Call him, GDI! ;)

Credit Where Due Department: I want to give a shout out to my friend Paul Wegweiser at Maximillian Importing Company! I have my 1982 323i Baur in the shop for some extensive, and overdue, front end work (that I didn't want to do myself at 70 years old, btw). The shop was unable to locate a steering rack that I need, and they asked if I could find one. I said "OK, I'VE GOTTA GUY"! .... and that guy is Paul Wegweiser, folks. 

Ben Thongsai and Paul Wegweiser changing Paul's head gasket in the hotel parking lot in the middle of the night at the Vintage circa 2011, with lighting provided by flashlights!  This is the stuff of Legend. ;)

Yes, Paul came through with the steering rack I needed. OF COURSE HE DID! Call him, GDI!  

Paul is THE GUY that you want to talk to, believe me!
1-412-585-2067. Thank you, Paul!